Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh No, It's "Brown Envelope From Rick Meyer" Time Again, 2009 PPAGLA Dues Notices Mailed

Yes, folks, it's that time of year again, when to receive the plain brown package in the mail from Membership Chair Rick Meyer containing your PPAGLA materials for the year to come.

While it's always uncomfortable to ask for money, your dues go to support the PPAGLA and all the programs it offers.  Timely dues payment give us a good indication of what the budget for these programs will be in the coming year.

New this year, annual dues can be paid via PayPal.  Please see the instructions in the package.

Again, asking for some of your hard-earned dollars is always awkward, so when you receive the infamous large brown envelope, please find the smaller white envelope inside stamped with Meyer's return address and mail a check for your annual dues or visit the website and pay via PayPal.  This way neither of us will have to think about the issue for another year.

Thank you for your continued support.

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