Thursday, November 6, 2008

Newspapers Caught Short Of Printed Keepsakes After Historic Obama Victory

Newspapers publishers across the country found themselves unable to meet demand for their printed product after Barack Hussein Obama won election as the 44th President of The United States. MORE>>

From the AFP story:

Rima Calderon, head of communications for The Washington Post, said the events of Wednesday proved the popularity of papers in an age when many are predicting their demise in the face of online competition. "It does say something really marvelous about the printed newspaper. When there's a historic event like last night people want a printed copy for posterity," she said. "We didn't realize that the demand would be so large."

Francine Garner, 48, was at the front of the queue at The Washington Times headquarters and had been waiting three hours for the commemorative edition to go on sale. "It's about keeping track of history and having something you can keep forever," she said.

Read an AP story on the topic from USA Today's web site HERE>>

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